By default, it uses ⌃+⌥ as a modifier, which conflicts with a lot of my VS Code settings (I'm using ⌃+⌥ as a modifier for all my custom shortcuts). Luckily, Magnet fills this gap (for a price of a few $). It's unbelievable that Mac still doesn't have a built-in window manager that supports keyboard shortcuts. Unicode Symbol Search - quickly find and copy any Unicode symbol.Toggl - interact with Toggl time tracker.TemporaryEmail - create a disposable temporary email when I need to register in some spammy service.It lets me quickly set reminders without getting distracted from the current task. Reminders for Alfred 3 - typing "r do stuff in 20 minutes" will create a reminder "do stuff" 20 minutes from now.Emoji search - much faster emoji search than the default emoji icon panel on Mac.EggTimer - a bit outdated workflow, but the only one that lets me easily create timers (I want to take a short break every 60 minutes of work).Convert - convert from one unit to another.Alfred Workflow Todoist - lets me quickly add tasks to Todoist.Here are some of the workflows that I'm using with Alfred: There is already version 4 of Alfred, but I still haven't upgraded from version 3. I have a bunch of workflows to quickly create reminders, to-do tasks, temporary emails, convert currency, or search for emoji and Unicode characters.

But the best features that come with the Powerpack are the "Alfred Workflows" - user-defined scripts that let you automate many tasks. It enables a few more features like a text expansion (here called "snippets") or the clipboard history. But the PowerPack (a paid extension) is where it really packs a punch. Even without the PowerPack, it's much more powerful than Spotlight. So when I got my Mac, one of the first things I did was to replace Spotlight with Alfred. I used Launchy on Windows and GNOME Do on Linux, and they are both great (just having a launcher will make you feel much more productive).

And I absolutely love it! I knew about its existence even before owning a Mac, and I envied Mac users to have such a great launcher. Alfred #Īlfred is a launcher - this app that opens when you press ⌘+Spacebar and lets you quickly open other apps. Since this is a very long post, I've to split it into two parts: the Mac apps and the CLI stuff. I also love to read what tools other people are using. From a minor: "Hey, I just run the same command twice, I should create an alias!" to installing random tools ( "Hmm, I'm wondering if there is a way to get notifications when a long-running job in a terminal finishes, so I can do other stuff in the meantime?"). Whenever I see something annoying, I want to drop everything and try to fix it right away. I could spend days just tweaking things on my computer.